Sunday, April 26, 2009

Twuiz, the Twitter Quiz

Welcome to Twuiz, the online Twitter Quiz. A nice way to learn more about Twitter. These are the questions. At the end of the post you'll find the link for the online Twitter Quiz. Good Luck.

  1. How do you eliminate retweets on Twitter Search?

  2. To whom can you send a direct message?

  3. Are there tweeting limits?

  4. On you can search for information in?

  5. How do you delete your profile on Twitter?

  6. How do you stop following someone on Twitter?

  7. Are Twitter profiles indexed by Google?

  8. How do you restrict your query to a source (ex: tweetdeck)

  9. What is the name for a haiku (Japanese poem) on Twitter?

  10. Can everybody use Twitter?

Try this online Twitter Quiz on Twuiz.

Friday, April 24, 2009

How to become a Trend on Twitter ?

Twitter trends are hot on twitter. Many tweeple tweet about trends as a strategy to get more followers on Twitter.

But when your check the latest tweets about trends with you'll found out that in a minute your tweet is
invisible and replaced with other trend tweets. So I doubt whether trend tweeting will give you more followers on twitter.

Maybe you can become a trend setter!

With many trends you think: what the f.. this trend is about.
On you can find the answer.

When following trends I noticed that many trends involve the word 'day': twoonday, followfriday, anzac day, ThankfulThursday, Earthday, ...

Twoonday involves changing your avatar to a cartoon character to cheer everyone up. Every Friday you can suggest good people to follow and hashtag it #followfriday. ANZAC Day is a national public holiday in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. People explain what they are thankful for on #ThankfulThursday. Earth Day, a day to raise awareness for environmental protection, will take place April 22, 2009.

So if want to become a trend setter on twitter: invent a twitterday.
Open for suggestions?


Looking for a twitter word for a twoosh poem!

Haiku poets write about everyday things.

A Haiku paints a mental image in the reader's mind in only 17 syllables over just three 3 lines of poetry (5-7-5)!

Twitter has embraced the haiku and calls it a twaiku.

Twitter is about: What are you doing? A twaiku is a tweet with a haiku to express the things you are doing. When you tweet a poem that isn't a haiku, then tweeple use the word Twoem.

A tweet of exactly 140 characters is called a Twoosh. I don't know whether there is already a twitter name for a twoosh poem. Any Suggestions?

I'll end this post with my leatest twaiku:

Draw me with your thoughts
and don't forget my wrinkles
the wisdom I earned


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Birthday poems with a personal touch.

Some birthday poems I found on the internet and which I gave a personal touch.


Today you can jump
be crazy and run
Today you can sing
with lots of fun
Today you get gifts
from all your friends
I wish today
never ends

Happy Birthday!

Today's the day
we're glad to say
each year
we love you more

Today's the day
we celebrate
the day
you were born

The Birthday Wish

Each birthday wish
I've ever made
really does come true
Each year I wish
you'll grow some more
and every year you DO!

The Birthday Cake

Ben turns eight today
let's make him
a birthday cake
with candles for each year
and in the middle
his chocolate name

Happy birthday song!

John thomas has a birthday
hip, hip, hip, hooray!
with 8 candles on his cake
what a happy day!
with a puff puff here
and a puff puff there,
here a puff
there a puff
everywhere a puff puff
john thomas has a birthday
hip, hip, hip, hooray!

Susan's Birthday

Happy Susanday to you,
Happy Susanday to you.
Happy Susanday
Dear Susun,
Happy Susanday to you!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Haiku of Hope

Today a twaiku / haiku about Hope.

Grieving leafless in time
a fistful withering words
hope is on its way


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bilding Self Esteem through poetry

Poetry touches the heart. So touch your own heart by writing poetry.

The process of seeking words is also seeking in your soul, there starts the comfort and the healing. Is doesn't has to be a haiku or another poetry form. The basic is finding words of your own.

Pillow of silence
fearing feathers of words
saying you're worth it


Locked in Twiiter trends - Susan Boyle / Diddy / Red Bull / Vettel

Twittering about Twitter Trends and filling up tweets with all the trends (Susan Boyle, Diddy, Vettle, Red Bull, Coachella, ..) seems to be a growing sport on Twitter.

Tweeting trends as a technique to attract people's attention.

But, there is another way. Try to find interesting people using web sites like

Or use for a more advanced interface to find people according to the keywords in their name, bio and location. Information is sortable by followers, following, join date and updates.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Twitter poem and haiku or twoems and twaiku

A twaiku is a haiku posted on Twitter. Twitter is an ideal environment for the brevity of haiku. Some twaiku:

Seeing Saturnus
Imagine a ring of love
and feel surrounded

Dream the dream you dreamed
and maybe you will wake up
in another dream

More poems on
Follow me on


Finding people with Tweepz

Tweepz is a search engine that makes finding people on twitter (tweeple) easier. Tweepz looks for information in the fields name, location, web and bio.

The resuls are sortable by relevancy, followers, following, join date and with a little trick also by updates.

You can narrow down the results by followers en by language.

More on


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Advanced Twitter Search with Twearch

Twearch is a Twitter search engine that helps you with your searches on Twitter. It has some improved features to really find the tweets you are looking for.


Advanced Twitter search with Twearch