Sunday, March 28, 2010

Justin Bieber plays Sudoku

I'm not sure if Justin Bieber plays sudoku, but if you like Justin Bieber and you like to play sudoku than you can try out our sudoku with pictures of Justin Bieber.

We have three kinds of online sudokus: sudoku 4x4 with images, sudoku 5x5 with colors and sudoku 6x6 with images.

Now we have added pictures of Justin Bieber to play sudoku 6x6.


Play sudoku with Justin Bieber at:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Multiplication Tables - New method

Multiplication Tables - Intro

Many klds have a hard time learning the Multiplication Tables. Especially the exercises where both numbers are larger than 6 (ex 6x8) take longer to learn.

Times Tables with 6TIMES9

When I show you the word albero, nothing will happen because you probably don't know this is the italian word for tree. But when I show you the word tree, it is likely that you get a picture of a tree in your mind. We use this idea to learn the multiplicatin tables.

AT 6TIMES9 we present the multiplicatiton facts like licence plates, example: 6 x 9 = 54 becomes licence plate 6T9 - 54. Both sums 6x9 and 9x6 refer to the same licence plate 6T9 – 54.

multiplication game


Furthermore we have extend the idea of the licence plates and developed Car Kwartet Cards in order to create more multiplication tables games.

math gamesdivision tables

Each card has three car specifications: fuel efficiency in l/100 km, acceleration 0-120 km/h and construction year. With these three features we have additional opportunities to practice the times tables.

Learn the Multiplication Tables with 6TIMES9 at:

We have created a PDF-file with the manual of our 6TIMES9 multiplication method and with all the math cards. You can download the manual at the bottom of our info page.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Quit Smoking with Barack Obama

Is not easy to change a habit, especially a smoking habit.

Even the most positive thinkers among us carry around subconscious negative, self defeating thoughts. These thoughts prevent us from solving our problems.

Here are the negative thoughts of Barack Obama that prevent him to
Stop Smoking.

- The new law on smoking is not about me
- The relevance of my smoking to the smoking law
- I am a former smoker
- I constantly struggle with smoking
- Sometimes I fall of the wagon
- I am not a daily smoker
- I am not a constantly smoker
- I don't smoke in front of my kids
- I don't smoke in front of my family
- I am 95% cured
- There are times were i mess up

By using EFT Barack Obama, and all other smokers, can tap away the influence of these negative thoughts and change into a non-smokers.

Good Luck, Mr. President! Good luck to all of you!

Learn more on Quit Smoking using EFT at:

On our website you'll find an online wizzard to tap along with you to prevent you to Start Smoking or to help you Quit Smoking.

We've made a special script for teens to download so they want Start Smoking.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

EFT can help to overcome BULLYING

Stop Bullying with EFT

Bullying is an unequal battle: the victim is afraid and does nothing. The bully likes this. This is abuse of power to hurt others: verbal abuse, physical violence, material force, threats and social isolation.

Recently there is a new threat: cyber bullying, Internet Harassment or Digital bullying. With cyberbullying the bullying happens on the internet. This can include offensive or threatening e-mails, threats or harassment through instant messaging and insultings when pages with photos, videos or personal data of victims are posted on the web.

Being bullied when you are a child is a very painful experience. The best thing you can do is talk about it with your parents or your teacher.

EFT will relieve you of the pain, fear and grief that the bullying has caused. With EFT your body can cope better with future bullying and bullies might even stop because they feel you've become to strong for them.

So we have created a free to use EFT Script to overcome Bullying.
You download the script at -

The scripts include 3 pages:
- a brief explanation of EFT
- the script itself
- a blank page to fill in yourself with your own sentences

We are planning other EFT Scripts for Kids in the near future.

Try our Overcome Bullying Script at - Bullies will be Stopped.